Keolis MHI MD Applauds UAE’s Sustainable Leadership at COP28

Wallace Weatherill Managing Director of Keolis-MHI. (Image Credit: Supplied)
10 months ago

Dubai, UAE – Keolis MHI extends warm congratulations to the United Arab Emirates for hosting COP28, a pivotal event in the global pursuit of sustainability. The UAE’s visionary leadership and commitment to a greener future have set a remarkable example, inspiring nations worldwide.

As a climate-responsible company, Keolis MHI proudly supports the UAE’s Net Zero by 2050 goal, reaffirming their pledge made at the 10th National Climate Ambition Dialogue. The company commends the UAE’s substantial investments in renewable energy, green infrastructure, and sustainable transportation, aligning with their dedication to environmental protection.

As a global leader in sustainable mobility solutions, Keolis MHI stands in solidarity with the UAE, applauding their adoption of clean energy solutions and smart transportation systems. The company expresses gratitude for their partnerships in the UAE, which have fostered a culture of environmental mindfulness within the transportation sector.

At COP28, the UAE stands as a beacon of hope, showcasing that sustainable development is not just an aspiration but a tangible reality. Keolis MHI continues its dedication to environmental stewardship, having recently received recognition for recycling efforts, demonstrating their commitment to reducing their greenhouse gas footprint.

Keolis MHI emphasizes the importance of innovation, collaboration, and a shared vision in creating a more sustainable future. The company remains committed to working alongside the UAE and other partners to contribute to a greener world. COP28 serves as a platform to amplify the collective voice for a better tomorrow, and Keolis MHI encourages the global community to continue the journey towards sustainability, leaving a legacy of a healthier planet for future generations.

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