Flag of Unity and Pride: Latifa bint Mohammed

(Image Credit: Supplied)
8 months ago

Dubai, UAE – Her Highness Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairperson of Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) and member of the Dubai Council, affirmed that Flag Day stands as a momentous national occasion. It is a day where hearts unite, and generations gather in shared reverence for their homeland, celebrating its flag as a symbol of national pride. 

“Flag Day instils in us a sense of our national identity, reflecting our values, loyalty, and sense of belonging to our beloved homeland. It also fills us with pride to reflect on the UAE’s progress and achievements driven by our wise leadership and established by our pioneering forefathers, who dedicated their lives to securing a prosperous future for the Emirati people and all who reside on this land.”

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